- The ALFRED concept. Final assessment and guidelines to further expand.
- SUaaVE final event video. It shows the final results’ demonstrations made at the Final Event held at IBV facilities.
- SUaaVE final project video. We have tried to summarize the SUaaVE four years of intense activity in this video.
- SUaaVE leaflet
- Infographic “Predicting Acceptability of Connected Automated Vehicles“
- SUaaVE video
- SUaaVE overview
- SuaaVE short leaflet
- Article: A poker of consortiums for a “driverless” Europe. Magazine OndaVerde of the Automobile Club Italia (ACI).
- SUaaVE presentation “SUpporting acceptance of automated VEhicle“, from José Solaz (Comfort and Human Factors, Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia – IBV) at the 4th Edition of H2020 Road Transport Research European Conference.
- Presentation of a developed model to understand the emotional state on board, shown at AHFE 2020. The new paradigm for coloring automated driving with human emotions. The SUaaVE aproach.